Mid-Week Bible Lesson1 (8-24-22) "Pure Religion"
Mid-Week Bible Lesson August
24, 2022
Pure Religion - “caring for orphans and widows and being separate from the world”.
That is the definition that James gives for “pure religion” in James 1:27. I wonder what your definition might be? Regular church attendance? Believing the right things? Doing good works? Being a good person? These things are good, but DO THEY RISE TO THE LEVEL OF “PURE RELIGION”?
Before this verse, James says “if you think you are religious and don’t bridle your tongue, you deceive your own heart, and your religion is worthless.” (James 1:26 My Paraphrase) Later James describes the tongue as “a little member that boasts great things… it’s a fire, a world of iniquity.” (James 3:5-6)
First, we see the tongue reveals the condition of our soul. What we say and how we say it comes out of the heart. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool everyone all the time. Beyond that, YOU CAN NEVER FOOL GOD! “Taming the tongue” is one of the hardest things to do! Gossip, lies, half-truths, accusations, a mean spirit, profanity, etc. all counter our claim to have “pure religion”. Our words also reveal whether we have a secular or Christian mindset.
Second, we deceive ourselves thinking we have good reason to act “unchristian”, saying things that are not Christian, yet convincing ourselves we are in good standing with God. One of the most used tools of Satan is “Passive / Aggressive Behavior”. We never say what we really mean but we attack through subtle secondary means. The Bible says that we are to “speak the truth in love”. We never express ourselves clearly by deflecting the truth. We’ve all experienced this in committee meetings, work life, etc.
Third, “pure religion” is unselfish caring for others. The Bible describes two groups that can’t help themselves and can’t reciprocate, widows and orphans. Some widows live active lives, and some orphans have great support. Others struggle and these are those identified by James. One of the clearest signs of a new life in Christ is when we become givers and not takers. Generosity is the greatest cure for pride and greed. Caring for those who can’t care for themselves is admirable.
Fourth, being separate from the world means Jesus is the center of everything we think and do. It includes what we believe, what we watch, our friends, what we wear, where we go, what we study… in truth, all aspects of our lives. We are to be “separated to God and separate from the world.”
In summary, “Pure religion” is a high bar! It can’t be achieved without the filling of the Holy Spirit. As we express pure religion daily, we will see “souls saved, lives changed, and hearts renewed”. The Spirit of God will use you through your generosity. The church is blessed; the community benefits; God is glorified and isn’t that what life’s all about?