The Rigid Rule of Law (James 2:10-13)

“For whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.” (James 2:10) “The law” as James uses it, refers to the Mosaic Law plus the many rules associated with Jewish life. These laws were very detailed, rigid, and impossible to obey… even for the most devoted. Today many consider the Ten Commandments “Rules to Live By”. These commandments may be your goal, but NO ONE CAN OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR AN ENTIRE LIFETIME. In fact, no one can even adhere for a day. These laws were given to expose our sinful nature and our need for a Savior. The law kills! Violations demand justice. There can be no mercy. One small violation makes one guilty of the whole law. James returns his readers to the “royal law” (2:8) describing it in (2:12) as the “law of liberty” or the “perfect law of liberty” (KJV). This is James’ title for the “law written in the heart” by the blood of Jesus Christ… an internal law, strong and eternal… verses the outward law w...